词汇 | take |
释义 | take tek;teik <<动词>> took, taken, taking, takes 1 获得占有权 a. 攻占; 捉住 take an enemy fortress 攻下敌军要塞 b. 逮捕; 没收 c. 杀; 以网捕捉, 设陷阱捕捉 d.『运动.比赛』获得; 赢得 took the crown in horseracing 在马赛中夺魁 e.『运动.比赛』击败 Our team took the visitors three to one. 我队以三比一击败客队 f.『运动』(棒球比赛中) 接住球 The player took it on the fly. 球员接住高飞球 g.『棒球』躲避 (投掷中的) 旋转球 2 以双手抓住; 紧握 Take your partner's hand. 握住你夥伴的手 3 受影响; 生病; 感染 The child has taken the flu. 这孩子患了感冒 4 遇见; 偶遇; 发现 Your actions took me by surprise. 你的行为令我惊讶 5 给某人一击; 敲击, 打 The boxer took his opponent a sharp job to the ribs. 拳击手朝对方的胸口狠狠的一击 6 受吸引; 迷惑 7 a. 吃, 喝 took a little soup for dinner 晚餐时喝点汤 b. 倒入; 吸入 took a deep breath 深呼吸一口 8 置身於… take the sun 享受日光浴 take the waters at a spa 按摩浴缸中沐浴 9 结合, 联合 take a new partner into the firm 公司有了新的合夥人 take a company national 扩展公司业务到全国各地 10 与…发生性关系 11 接受; 安置 12 拨款; 购得; 获得 We always take season tickets. 我们通常购买季票 13 为某人作保: 负担信用 a. 使某人负…义务; 派任某人… She took the position of chair of the committee. 她担任委员会主席的职位 b. 发誓服从…; 向…立誓或承诺 c. 从事 We took extra time to do the job properly. 我们花额外时间把工作处理好 d. 纳为己有 e. 提出, 采纳 f. (必要地) 采用 Intransitive verbs take no direct object. 不及物动词之後不接直接受词 14 挑出; 选择 take any card 挑一些卡片 a. (为私人使用) 选择 We took a rented car. 我们选择一辆租用车 b. 使用 This camera takes 35 mm film. 这部照机拍摄三十五厘米的影片 c. 搭乘 take a train to Pittsburgh 搭火车到匹兹堡 d. 使用…避难 take shelter from the storm 为躲避暴风雨寻找避难的地方 e. (徒步或开车时) 选择特定的路线或方向 Take a right at the next corner. 在转角处右转 The driver downshifted to take the corner. 驾驶人换成低速档以便转弯 15 占有 take a seat 占位子 16 所需; 必备 It takes money to live in that town. 要住在那城市得花费不少 17 由…取得; 由…获得 The book takes its title from the Bible. 这本书的标题取自圣经 18 (经由测量或特定过程) 获得 took the patient's temperature 测得病人的体温 19 速记; 草草写下… take a letter 写一封信 20 绘画; 照相 took a picture of us 拍下我们的相片 21 a. 接受 take criticism 接受批评 b. 屈服…; 忍受 didin't take his punishment rery well 并未受到应得的惩罚 c. 包容 The dam took the heavy flood waters. 水坝容纳流入的洪水 22 a. 接受, 相信 I'll take your word. 我相信你说的话 b. 接受 (忠告, 建议, 领导等) c. 处理; 应付 d. 考量 23 完成, 执行 Many crucial decisions were taken as the path of the hurricane was plotted. 等确知飓风的路线之後, 许多重大的决定便可执行了 24 a. 允许; 核准; 认可 The boat took a lot of water but remained afloat. 那艘船进了大量的水, 却依然浮着 b. 提供空间; 容纳 We can't take more than 100 guests. 我们不能容纳一百个以上的客人 c. 沾染…颜料 <<不及物动词>> 1 获得占有权 2 从事; 使用机械其他的机械零件 3 开始成长; 种植, 萌芽 Have the seeds taken? 种子发芽了吗? 4 达到预期的效果; 操作, 运作 The transfusion apparently took. 输血达到预期的效果 5 受欢迎; 爱戴 The television series, which didn't take, was later cancelled. 不受欢迎的电视影集後来被取消了 6 变成 He took sick. 他生病了 <<名词>> 1 a. 取得的行为或过程 b. 取得之物 2 a. 一次算清的数量 尤其因商业交易所得利润或收盈额度 b. 一次捕杀的鱼类、鸟类或其他动物的数目 3『运动』为参加某项运动或比赛而筹得的款项; 门票收入 4 (在拍摄电影或剪接时) 未中断的摄影机或一套录音设备 5 a. 未中断摄影机而拍摄或制成的画面 b. 一次份的录音 6 a. 正常的生理反应 如: 发热表示接种疫苗成功 b. 一次成功的接枝 7 ((俚语)) 一次尝试 He got an answer on the third take. 他尝试了三次才得到答案 take after 1 依例仿效 2 外表或性情相像 take apart 1 分解後分类 2 详细研究分析 通常是为了发现潜在的缺点或弱点 3 ((俚语)) 重击 take back 撤销 (已写下或已声明的文件) take down 1 自高处降至低处 2 分解; 拆卸…的设备 take down the Christmas tree 拆除圣诞树 3 挫某人的锐气 really take him down during the debate 在辩论中的确挫了他的锐气 4 记下 take for 1 认定为 Do you take me for a fool? 你认定我是傻瓜吗? 2 错觉 Don't take silence for approval. 勿把沈默视为赞同 take in 1 认可 2 改短; 变小 took in the waist on the pair of pants 把这条裤子的腰改小 3 包括, 组成 4 了解 couldn't take in the meaning of the word 不了解这字的意义 5 欺瞒, 蒙骗 was taken in by a confidence artist 被一位自信十足的艺术家蒙住了 6 仔细地审视; 浏览 took in the sights 饱览风景 7 接下可带回家处理的差事 took in typing 在家打字 8 押送 (犯人) 至警察局 take off 1 脱下 take one's coat off 脱下外套 take off one's galoshes 脱下橡胶套鞋 2 释放 took the brake off 放掉刹车 3 打折 took 20 percent off 打八折 (20%的折扣) 4 劫持 5 ((口语)) a. 离开 took off in a hurry 匆忙地离开 b. 广泛地使用; 大受欢迎 a new movie that really took off 一部真正受欢迎的新电影 6 起飞 The plane took off on time. 飞机准时起飞 7 中断 took off the commuter special 中止特殊通勤 8 休假 I'm taking off three days during May. 五月我要休三天假 take on 1 从事, 担负; 开始处理 took on extra responsibilities 担负额外的任务 2 雇用 took on more workers during the harvest 在采收季雇用较多的员工 3 (比赛) 对抗 a wrestler who took on all comers 角力选手对抗所有挑战者 4 ((口语)) 表现激烈的情绪 Don't take on so! 别那麽激动! 5 具有…的外表或特质 Over the years he has taken on the look of a banker. 经过这麽些年他具有一副银行家的样子 take out 1 拔除, 移走 took the splinter out 将碎片取出 2 向机关申请而取得 3 ((口语)) 护送 4 发泄 Don't take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner. 不要把你的沮丧用这种激烈的方式发泄 5 获得平衡 took out the money owed in services 平衡亏欠各服务中心的钱 6 ((口语)) 启程; 开航 The police took out after the thieves. 警察开始在追缉窃贼 7 ((俚语) a. 杀; 谋杀 Two snipers took out an enemy platoon. 两位狙击兵杀了一排的敌军 b. 以武装攻击或以其他方式寻找和破坏 Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader's bunker in a single mission. 在一次的任务中战斗飞行员低飞以避开雷达, 为寻找及破坏游击兵的碉堡 take over 接收, 接管 take to 1 求助; (为安全目的) 前往 took to the woods 前往树林 2 养成习惯, 耽於 take to drink 沈溺於酒中 3 喜爱, 亲近 "Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other" (Jack Kerouac) 愈敏锐的两颗心, 愈容易互相吸引 take up 1 提升; 举起 2 改小; 改短, 改紧 take up a gown 把睡袍改小 Let's take up where we left off. 让我们从离开的地方重新开始 The extra duties took up most of my time. 额外工作占去我大部份的时间 take up mountain climbing 对登山有兴趣 Let's take up each problem one at a time. 让我们一次处理一个问题 took up a friendly attitude 假装友善的样子 crops taking up nutrients 谷类吸取养分 took up engineering 从事工程这项行业 <<惯用语>> on the take ((口语)) 收贿赂或非法的收入 "There were police men on the take" (Scott Turow) 有警员收贿赂 take a bath ((口语)) 经历严重的财务损失 "Small investors who latched on to hot new issues took a bath in Wall Street" (Paul A. Samuelson) 小额的投资家亲身体验到华尔街严重的财务损失 take account of 考量 take away from 使偏离正道 take care 小心 Take care or you will slip on the ice. 小心否则你会滑倒在冰上 take care of 照料; 管理 take charge 命令, 控制 take effect 1 生效 The curfew takes effect at midnight. 晚钟在午夜呜响 2 奏效 The antibiotics at last began to take effect. 抗生素终於奏效 take exception 以争论表示反对; 反对 took exception to the prosecutor's line of questioning 对执行者一连串的问题表示反对 take five [ten] ((俚语)) 休息片刻 take for granted 1 认定…为真; 估计正确 2 低估 a publisher who took the editors for granted 出版社低估了编辑群 take heart 自信的, 受鼓舞的 take hold 1 抓住; 紧握 2 变得茁壮 The newly planted vines quickly took hold. 新栽种的藤蔓很快就变得茁壮 take it 1 了解; 以为 As I take it, they won't accept the proposal. 据我了解, 他们不会接受这项企划案 2 ((口语)) 忍受 (虐待, 批评, 或其他严苛的对待) If you can dish it out, you've got to learn to take it. 若是你受到责罚, 你必须学习忍受 take it on the chin ((俚语)) 忍受 (处罚, 苦难, 或打击) take it or leave it 无条件接受或放弃 take it out on ((口语)) 亏待 (他人) 以发泄自己的愤怒 take kindly to 1 接纳 take kindly to constructive criticism 接纳建设性批评 2 自然地吸引; 集中 take lying down ((口语)) 屈服於严苛的对待却不抵抗 refused to take the snub lying down 拒绝屈服於严厉的申斥 take notice of 注意 take (one's) breath away 使敬畏, 使惊讶 take (one's) time 从容地 take place 发生 take root 1 建设; 修复 2 紮根 take shape 成形 take sick ((主美南方)) 生病 take sides 与某党派结合; 支持, 拥护 take stock 1 取得清单 2 估算 take stock in 信任; 倚重 take the bench 『法律』陪审, 审讯 take the cake 1 勇猛; 失望 2 得奖; 出名 take the count 1 被击败 2『运动』拳击赛中被淘汰 take the fall [hit] ((俚语)) 招致非难 a senior official who took the fall for the failed intelligence operation 一位资深的长官因未妥善处理情报操控而招致非难 take the floor 在会议中提出正式演讲 take the heat ((俚语)) 招致非难; 忍受抨击 had a reputation for being able to take the heat in a crisis 有能力能在危机中承受非难 take to the cleaners ((俚语)) 1 强劫; 欺骗 2 (离婚时) 取得所有的金钱或所有物 3 屈服於严苛的批评 take up for 支持 (某人或团体) take up the cudgels 参与争论; 极力拥护 take up with took up with a fast crowd 加入忠实可靠的一群人之中 <<形容词>> takable |
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