词汇 | bang |
释义 | bang bæŋ;bæŋ <<名词>> 1 巨响 2 砰然作响 3 ((口语)) 猛然行动 The compaign started off with a bang. 竞选活动突然展开 4 ((俚语)) 兴奋, 激动 We got a bang out of watching the old movies. 我们看了以前的电影深受感动 <<及物动词>> bangged, banging, bangs 1 重击 2 猛力关上 3 砰砰作响 banged the pots in the kitchen 在厨房将瓶瓶罐罐弄得砰砰作响 4 ((粗俗俚语)) 性交 <<不及物动词>> 1 突发巨响 2 敲击 My elbow banged against the door. 我的手肘撞到门 <<副词>> 刚好, 正巧 The arrow hit bang on the target. 箭正中靶心 bang away 1 持续地抨击 2 长期辛勤地工作 banged away at the project until it was finished 辛勤地筹划直到完成为止 bang up 广泛地损毁 banged up the car 重创车子 |
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