tonight和this evening的区别

    tonight是指今天的整个晚上包括深夜,表示“今晚”的含义。this evening是指今天晚上的早些时候,表示“今天傍晚”的含义,this evening表达的意思比tonight在时间上要早一些。
    tonight和this evening的区别
    tonight和this evening的不同
    tonight和this evening的双语例句
    1、If it's all the same to you, I'd rather to go to bed early tonight than stay up and watch TV.
    2、Tonight they take on a Chinese pairing in their bid to reach the final tomorrow.
    3、I have to go to the hospital tonight to see an old friend.
    this evening:
    1、Will you accept my invitation for dinnerthis evening?
    2、Why don't you come across to our housethis evening?
    3、That's another advantage of breaking it to himthis evening.