turn left后面加on还是at,为什么

    turn left后面可以加on也可以加at。大地方用on,小地方用at,如果说在上海,就用in;说在火车站就用at。turn left平时在表达拐弯、转弯意思的时候用的都是at。
    turn left后面加on还是at,为什么
    turn left的双语例句
    1、From here you go to the bridge and then turn left on the other side.
    2、Follow this road until you get to the school, then turn left.
    3、Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a motor car advertisement,turn left.
    4、At the crossroad you have to turn left, then you will find the Bank.
    5、Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left.
    沿着外滩往前走, 然后往走转弯。
    6、After stumbling to the end of a smoke-filled corridor, you have to choose whether to turn left or right.