those are可以缩写吗

    those are没有缩写形式。they are可以缩写,但是those are没有这种用法,像these和those这样的指示代词在书面体里一般都不和be动词连写。
    those are可以缩写吗
    those are和they are的区别
    these are和those are的区别关键在于these和those。these是this的复数形式。those是that的复数形式。
    什么是近指,什么是远指呢。比如说在班级里,你坐在自己的位子上,你的桌上有一本书。你就可以说This is my book。然后突然老师让课代表把作业本分下去。大家各自把作业本都拿完了,这时只剩下一本在讲台上。你可以说that is my notebook。
    复数的话也是一样:These are my pencils;Those are my pencils.
    those are的双语例句
    1、Those are nice shoes. Where'd you get them?
    2、Those are your books on that desk.
    3、Those are white flowers.
    4、Those are young students in the playground.
    5、Plus,this one' sincolor and you guys might recognize a few oftheactors , so those are just a few addedbonuses.