
    determined price 事先厘定的价格 ; 由市场决定的价格
    Technology Determined 技术决定论
    determined tissues 决定了的组织
    determined under 根据决定 ; 确定下
    very determined 非常确定 ; 兀然不动
    market determined 由市场决定
    determined proliferators 死心塌地
    1、Two points determine a great circle on a sphere, so for any two points, cut the orange into half.
    2、First, Rapoport has to determine Wyner's maximal oxygen uptake.
    3、A general principle lex situs is applied to determine the ownership of transnational stolen art.
    4、 Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.--Zig Ziglar
    5、A debriefing would follow this operation, to determine where it went wrong.