
    journal和diary这两个词的共同意思是“日记”。其区别在于:diary通常指“一天不漏地”; journal则倾向于“札记”,不一定每天都写,也不像diary那样有很大的隐私性,它往往指“对日常琐事的客观记录”和“读书随笔”。journal和diary的区别.jpg
    1 ,二者意思几乎差不多:
    Journal: a written record that you make of the things that happen to you each day [= diary].
    比较细微的差别是 Journal属于 literary文学用语,可以译成 “日志”。而diary则比较口语,即 “日记”。
    2,Journal 是用来记载每天发生的事情;Diary 是把感情写下来的地方。比如说,如果笔记本里写的“今天发生了某某事情”那么它就是journal,如果写的是“我喜欢上某某人”那就是diary。
    1、He tore a few pages out of his diary.
    2、At the beginning of the new term, she resolved tokeep a diaryin English.
    在新学期的开始, 她下决心记英文日记。
    3、She kept a diary for over twenty years.
    4、The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.
    5、He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires.
    6、This journal is available in paper and electronic form.
    7、On the plane he wrote in his journal.