pick up意思

    当pick up作用的对象是人时,表示举起、搭载、抓捕等。当pick up作用的对象是物时,表示拿起、买、接收等。当pick up单独使用时,表示接电话、改善等。
    pick up意思
    pick up有哪些意思
    He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.
    The next morning, my mum came to pick me up.
    Tomhad been picked up by police at his office.
    He picked up his knife and fork.
    Let's pick up a couple of magazines for the train ride.
    He picked up news from all sources.
    The phone rang and rang and nobody picked up.
    1、pick up on领略;意会
    2、pick sb. up on挑毛病
    pick up例句
    1、The police picked him up within the hour.
    2、Shepicked upthe little book and gave it to the driver.
    3、I'd like to pick up on a couple of mistakes that you made.
    4、He picked up the phone and dialled the number.
    5、She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.