
    ta中文意思一般来说可能是他、她、它的意思,是指不确定性别的第三人称,当然有时可以根据上下文推断。ta的其他意思:助教(teaching assistant);技术援助(technical assistance)等。
    Ta是一个多义词,在化学元素里为钽的化学符号。Ta也指税务师英文Tax Advisor的简写。Ta还是王清州的雕塑作品名。在汉语中意为她、他、它。
    1. Every day, there's going to be a TA in the undergraduate lounge.
    2. If the TA is not devoted, that also affects the way the class is.
    3. Your TA glances over at you, with a beer in hand, and then glances away quickly as if disgusted.
    4. If you don't make it to class, contact your TA, your recitation instructor, and you can take makeup within a week of the time of the original test.
    5.Monster, said: "I do not Chile Ta what I eat?"