ought to和should的区别

    ought to和should的区别:用法不同、侧重点不同。ought to侧重于出于一种劝告,希望对方这么做;should侧重于纠正别人,表示预期的结果可以肯定。should侧重自己的主观看法,语气比ought to稍弱一些。
    ought to和should的区别
    ought to和should的用法区别
    1、.ought to“应该;应当”,与should的用法类似,其没有人称、数和时态的变化。他可以表示“有责任或义务”而做某事。Ought to表达的语气比should强烈,在表示推测时,意为“按常理说应该……”,暗示有很大的可能性,有时可译为“建议或劝告”。
    2、同should用法一样,在肯定句中,当ought to后跟完成时,此时意为“过去本应该做某事而未做”;在否定句中意为“过去不该做某事却做了。”
    3、Ought to的一般疑问句形式是将ought提到句首。例如:
    She ought to leave now.---->Ought she to leave now?
    4、ought to的反意疑问句:
    We ought to study hard, oughtn't we/shouldn't we?
    5、ought to与should一般来说,两者可以互换,只是ought to的语气略强。另外,表示出于法令规则、行为准则、道德责任等客观情况而“应该”做某事,通常用ought to;若用should则含有个人意见,强调主观看法。
    ought to和should的双语例句
    ought to:
    1、We ought tobe able to manage it between us.
    2、That ought tobe enough food for the four of us.
    3、the company ought todo something about the poor service.
    1、I never realized that some day I should be living in Hong Kong.
    2、If I didn't write them down,I should probably forget all about them.
    3、Of course I should not dream of doing so if I were not your friend.