
    I lost several pounds last month.我上个月瘦了好几磅。
    The shop is selling choice apple, so I buy 3 pound.那商店在卖上选苹果,所以我买了三磅。
    There is a 1 pound admission charge.入场费为1英镑。
    Have you redeemed your car from the pound?你有没有取回被扣的汽车?
    The farmers pound rice in a mortar.农民们在臼中舂米。
    He had to pound the nails into the board with a stone.他只好用石块将钉子敲进木板。
    表示“磅”时,pound在数字后可以单数形式pound或是复数形式pounds出现,但复数形式比较常见,如four pound(s) of sugar;
    The farmers pound rice in a mortar.农民们在臼中舂米。
    He had to pound the nails into the board with a stone.他只好用石块将钉子敲进木板。
    He pounded the table angrily.他生气地猛拍桌子。
    Do not pound up the stairs!上楼梯不要跺脚!
    Her head began to pound.她的头开始怦怦地抽痛。