
    它们的区别在于词性不同:die是动词,death是名词,dead是形容词。die:动词,例如I'm dying.我将要死亡;dead形容词,例如my sister is dead我姐去世了。
    例句:Plants and people die without water.没有水,植物就要枯死,人就要渴死。
    例句:His mother's death was a great blow to him.他母亲的去世对他是一个巨大的打击.
    die from 意为“由于……而死”,但一般常用于由外伤、衰老引起的死亡.
    例如:The old man died from a car accident last year.这个老人去年死于一场车祸.
    die of意思同die from,但它一般指由于疾病、情感等原因引起的死亡.
    例如:His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992.他的祖父1992年死于肝癌.
    die out 意为“(家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”.
    例如:Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.恐龙在六千五百万年前灭绝了.
    We have no record of his death.
    Leave you, I only death!
    Without sacrifice, without death, we should have nothing.