return后面可以加back,也可以单独使用。return back中文含义有报答、回报、返回、酬答等。return可作名词和动词,作为名词时,含义为回来、归还、恢复,作为动词时,含义有回去、送回、重现。

例句:I waited a long time for him to return.我等他回来等了很长时间。
We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty.我们不得不将吹风机退回商店,因为它有残损。
The following day the pain returned.第二天又疼起来了。
例句:He was met by his brother on his return from Italy.他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。
We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library.若能及时将图书归还图书馆,我们将不胜感激。
They appealed for a return to work.他们呼吁复工。
return back的意思及双语例句
return back意为返回。
1、Then you return back and present the attach method. 然后,返回来看看attach方法。
2、If I could return back the time, I would put you first in my life. 如果时光可以倒流,我将把你放在生命的第一位。
3、I suggest you return back to your vehicle. 我建议你返回到您的车辆。
4、Slave nodes return back to the master. 从节点将结果返回给主节点。