check in和check out的区别

    check in和check out的区别在于含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。check in的意思是办理入住手续;check out的意思是给…办理结账手续。check in侧重于表示信息的录入;check out侧重于表示信息的登出。
    check in和check out的区别
    check in和check out的不同
    check in:check的最基本意思是“检查,核对”,指以确保某事物是否正确、安全、满意或处于良好状态,也可指检验以测试某事物的准确度或真假。
    check out:check还可表示“抑制”“控制”“阻碍”,指如用马缰绳套住马以防其放荡不羁一样地“控制”,如阻止发展、耽搁、击败某种力量、消除某种影响等,暗指阻止的突然性及其所用的力量。
    check in和check out的例句
    I put the books on the library desk,and the librarian checked them in.
    The friends we had invited did not check in until Saturday.
    Guests must check out before noon,or they will be charged for the day.
    The accountant checked out the bills and found them OK.
    1、check up on(查清)
    We should carry out the decisions and check up on the results.
    2、check out(退房结账)
    They packed and checked out of the hotel.
    3、check in(登记入住/登机)
    I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow.
    He had checked in at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester.
    4、check for(检查)
    Prod the windowsills to check for signs of rot.
    5、check off(清点核对)
    Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.
    6、check into(登记入住;调查)
    Can we just drive around before we check into a hostel?
    I asked the manager to check into the problem.
    7、check through(查阅;核对)
    I want to check through my things.
    8、check with(与...协商)
    I think you better check with the board first.
    9、check it out(仔细检查)
    Something is wrong with my car, so I have to check it out.
    10、check sb. out(查看)
    We ought to check him out on the computer.