
    1. ex- => es- => as- "out" + ton- "thunder" + -ish.
    2. 这里的 as- "out" 取引申义,表示:离开、脱离正常的状态或情绪或表情。
    3. 字面含义:thunder sb out. => leave someone thunderstruck.
    4. 或者:out: 出去、离开、远离。=> 不管。=> 听任、让、使…处于(某种状态)(leave)。
    astonish 吃惊的
    as来自前缀ex- 变体,此处表强调。词根ton, 雷,拟声词,同thunder. 指如被雷击。
    1. A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people.
    2. My news will astonish you.
    3. He purposed to both charm and astonish me by his appearance.
    4. That'll astonish Timothy's weak nerves.
    5. The magician's next trick will astonish you.
    astonish 词典解释
    1. 使惊讶;使十分惊奇
    If something or someone astonishes you, they surprise you very much.
    e.g. My news will astonish you...
    e.g. Her dedication constantly astonishes me.
    astonish 单语例句astonish的解释
    1. His daring thoughts, innovative ideas and unyielding personality astonish many people who are comfortable with conventional conformity.
    astonish什么意思astonish 英英释义
    1. affect with wonder
    e.g. Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!
    Synonym: amazeastound