
    不可数。popularity是不可数名词,不能有复数形式,表示受欢迎;普及;流行。例:His books have gained in popularity in recent years.近年来他的书越来越受欢迎。
    the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after
    in popularity 受欢迎
    spurt into popularity 突然走红
    the growing popularity 日益增长的人气
    popularity rate 普及率
    popularity contest phr. 人气竞赛
    gain popularity 流行起来,逐渐聚集人气
    bud out into popularity 流行开来,普及
    enjoy great popularity 备受欢迎
    popularity n.[U] 名声,受大众欢迎,流行
    popular其他的形式有:popularity、popularize、popularizer。popularity是n. 大众性;流行;受欢迎。popularize是vt.普及;推广;使通俗化。popularizer是n. 普及者;普及者;使普及的人;大众作家。
    读音:英 ['ppjl] 美 ['pɑpjl]
    释义:adj. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的。
    1、The measure falls in with popular demand.
    2、She wishes to be hip to the latest styles in popular music.
    3、He is the youngest of the clerks, and he comes on as the can-do guy, a style that is very popular around here.
    4、The girl lilted a popular song.
    5、The song has become very popular.